4881Bargain Fashion 1 Scavenging for hand-me-downs is a way of life for those who have few resources and need to put clothes on their backs. For others on the high consumer end , even though they have mo5876

1. comb (paragraph 1) A. to tidy or straighten (esp. the hair) with the comb B. to search a place thoroughly c. to find and get rid of (unnecessary people or things) 2. boast (paragraph 2) A. to have or contain (something that is unusual or a cause of reasonable pride) B. to talk or state with unpleasant or unreasonable pride C. to talk nonsense 3. stand out (paragraph 2) A. to be firm in opposition B. to be much better or the best C. to be very noticeable 4. cater to (paragraph 3) A. to try to satisfy (desires or needs. esp. of a bad kind) B. to provide and serve food and drinks. usually for payment C. to provide what is needed or wanted by 5. vintage (paragraph 4) A. of high quality and lasting value B. showing all the best qualities of the work of (the stated person) C. made between 1919 and 1030 6. craze (paragraph 5) A. madness B. a very popular fashion that usual1y only lasts for a very short time C. wild excitement 7. wizard (paragraph 5) A. (esp. in stories) a man who has magic powers B. a very strange person C. a person with unusual. almost magical , abilities 8. copy (paragraph 5) A. to follow (someone or something) as a standard or pattern B. to make a copy of C. to cheat by writing (exactly the same thing) as someone else 9. set off (paragraph 6) A. to begin a journey B. to cause (sudden activity) C. to cause to explode 10. chunky (paragraph 6) A. (of a person. esp. a man) having a broad chest and strong-looking body. and not very tall B. short. thick. and solid C. (of materials. clothes. etc. ) thick and heavy
